Buy targeted advertising on the WiseGlass network

Buy targeted advertising in the WiseGlass network and match it to your customers by age and gender

Reach new customers with WiseAds

WiseAds – digital targeted advertising on the mirror

WiseAds reaches your customers at the point of sale! It is displayed dynamically as a video, animation or graphic on a smart display built into the mirror.

Advertisements displayed on mirrors in a modern shopping mall bathroom.

Example campaigns

targeting ads by age, gender and location

Display ads with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

WiseGlass technology is based on self-learning Artificial Intelligence. Thanks to this, each displayed ad is matched to the recipient's characteristics, i.e. age, gender and location. The customer decides who they want to display a given ad to!

A modern laptop displaying the WiseGlass Online mirror management panel.
illustration of a report card

Post-campaign report

After the campaign, you receive a detailed report that includes a summary of the impressions and views of each ad. Broken down by age group and gender, and each day of the campaign and location.

in PDF

Charts that facilitate visual analysis of data. Including demographic data, conversions, and watch time by campaign day.

in CSV

Rozszerzone niesformatowane dane w formie tabeli. Do użytku z programami analitycznymi i kalkulacyjnymi.

Targeting ads is easier than you think

Artificial intelligence and IR sensor in less than 700 milliseconds recognizes the age, gender, gaze of the recipient, matches the ad and measures the actual looking time


A woman walks past an advertising mirror next to an elevator. Imaginary rays from the mirror scan the woman.

The IR sensor scans the silhouette and estimates the age and gender of the person standing in front of the mirror. Without creating a person profile and tracking.


A man in the bathroom stands in front of an advertising mirror. An advertisement for coffee is displayed on the mirror.

After detecting the viewer, the mirror starts the ad. At the same time, the sensor checks the direction of gaze and the time of viewing the ad.


Graphic schematic face made of polygons looks at several hanging advertisements in the air.

The system receives data from sensors and prepares advertising viewing reports.

don't buy a pig in a poke

Check the potential reach of your ad

The ad serving data in the WiseGlass network is very dynamic. With our easy-to-use calculator, you can check the potential of your ad yourself before you order it!

A map of Poland presented as a flat shape. A mirror hangs in the air in front of it, partially translucent and showing the screen and electronics of the intelligent advertising medium.

Launch your campaign in 3 easy steps

Artificial intelligence and IR sensor in less than 700 milliseconds recognizes the age, gender, gaze of the recipient, matches the ad and measures the actual looking time

1. Complete the brief

Download and fill out the advertising brief
Specify your advertising target (age, gender and locations you are interested in).

2. Send to us

Send a brief to our salesperson. You can also attach (e.g. in the cloud) an example of the ad you want to display.

3. Enjoy advertising

We will help you set up your campaign, you will get access to the online panel or the final report.

See our mirrors
that are hard to take your eyes off

Advertising in the WiseGlass mirror network

Buy advertisement in WiseGlass

Buy advertising in the WiseGlass mirror network in this location.
Do you have any questions? I'd be happy to answer them!

Adam Wojdyło - Portrait of a middle-aged white man. Wearing a white shirt.
Adam Wojdyło

Trade Marketing & Sales Manager

WiseADS vs. DOOH

DOOH advertising on mirrors can be compared to that on the Internet!

traditional DOOH
DOOH with Wise­Glass mirrors
AI targeting of ads by age and gender
fas fa-times
fas fa-check
GEO-targeting throughout the country
fas fa-check
fas fa-check
Dynamic and automatic Broadcast Schedules
fas fa-times
fas fa-check
A/B Ad Testing (Like on the Internet)
fas fa-times
fas fa-check
Advertising reach
Sound in advertising
Not always
In every place
Prioritization of ad delivery
fas fa-times
fas fa-check
Report after the completed campaign
Confirmation of implementation
Full Statistics