CircleK – Rzeszów Przemysłowa
Gas Station – communication system
Implementation of the WiseGlass communication system at CircleK
The communication system guiding customers through the appropriate route between shelves at CircleK station helps tailor route options and products to different customer groups based on age and gender. Media located right at the entrance, on shelf toppers, a mirror in the coffee area, and two bathroom mirrors help reach customers with the most suitable and relevant messages considering demographics and the location within the station where the customer is. The implementation of the WiseAds system has resulted in increased sales of promoted products and raised the standard of location.
Integrated communication

Customer path suggestion
The set of WiseGlass media installed in locations identified in the customer flow study allows for the creation of paths leading customers to products best suited to their needs.

Targeted promotions
The WiseAds system allows for a reduction in the number of repetitive and mismatched advertising messages, reduces overcrowding of advertising spaces, and increases communication efficiency through targeted advertising.

Badanie zainteresowania
Demographic statistics, time viewing charts for advertisements, and filtering options such as location and time allow for increased effectiveness and efficiency of the marketing department's work by providing greater awareness of which advertising messages are most frequently and longest viewed.

CircleK – Rzeszów Przemysłowa
CircleK network encompasses flagship-owned stations, economy segment stations, and franchised stations. With 383 fuel stations in Poland and 16,000 points of sale worldwide, it is one of the largest retail companies globally operating in the convenience store format. It operates in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.