WiseGlass Mirror Network

The WiseGlass Network includes over 520 advertising display (smart mirrors) in almost all of Poland!

The WiseGlass mirror network is constantly expanding

Mirror locations in the WiseGlass Network

Select a voivodeship to see the details!

WiseGlass network coverage calculator

A calculator that allows you to calculate your advertising reach

To see the current list of locations in the selected voivodeship, click on the map below. To see details of a given voivodeship click more next to the voivodeship name.

Voivodeship click on the map next to choose

Voivodeship dolnośląskie

Currently, we do not have mirrors in the Dolnośląskie Voivodeship!

Are you the owner of a shopping mall or another commercial building? Do you want our mirrors to be available at your location? Or maybe you want to build your own Trade Marketing network?

Discover our offer!

Voivodeship kujawsko-pomorskie

Currently, we do not have mirrors in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship!

Are you the owner of a shopping mall or another commercial building? Do you want our mirrors to be available at your location? Or maybe you want to build your own Trade Marketing network?

Discover our offer!

Voivodeship lubelskie

7 000 000

annual range


number of mirrors

Voivodeship lubuskie

5 000 000

annual range


number of mirrors

Voivodeship łódzkie

4 200 000

annual range


number of mirrors

Voivodeship małopolskie

51 000 000

annual range


number of mirrors

Voivodeship mazowieckie

21 800 000

annual range


number of mirrors

Voivodeship opolskie

9 870 000

annual range


number of mirrors

Voivodeship podkarpackie

13 647 739

annual range


number of mirrors

Voivodeship podlaskie

Currently, we do not have mirrors in the Podlaskie Voivodeship!

Are you the owner of a shopping mall or another commercial building? Do you want our mirrors to be available at your location? Or maybe you want to build your own Trade Marketing network?

Discover our offer!

Voivodeship pomorskie

6 000 000

annual range


number of mirrors

Voivodeship śląskie

19 406 000

annual range


number of mirrors

Voivodeship świętokrzyskie

Currently, we do not have mirrors in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship!

Are you the owner of a shopping mall or another commercial building? Do you want our mirrors to be available at your location? Or maybe you want to build your own Trade Marketing network?

Discover our offer!

Voivodeship warmińsko-mazurskie

Currently, we do not have mirrors in the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship!

Are you the owner of a shopping mall or another commercial building? Do you want our mirrors to be available at your location? Or maybe you want to build your own Trade Marketing network?

Discover our offer!

Voivodeship wielkopolskie

13 000 000

annual range


number of mirrors

Voivodeship zachodniopomorskie

Currently, we do not have mirrors in the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship!

Are you the owner of a shopping mall or another commercial building? Do you want our mirrors to be available at your location? Or maybe you want to build your own Trade Marketing network?

Discover our offer!

WiseGlass network coverage calculator

A calculator that allows you to calculate your advertising reach

See photos from our locations