Meet WiseGlass

The creators of WiseGlass noticed a negative trend in public space already in 2016.
Way too many ads!



The company's history

The creation of a prototype of a smart mirror - This is where our story began. The idea for smart mirrors arose in Waldek's head much earlier. However, from the very idea to the first prototype, some water had to pass in the Vistula.

WiseGlass mirror network

Our network is growing!

There are currently over 500 smart advertising media connected in the WiseGlass network. Thanks to this, we already operate in 11 voivodeships and each month more and more people see us - and therefore the advertisements displayed on the mirror.

WiseGlass is, above all, people!

WiseGlass Team

WiseGlass is created by each of us. Each has a huge impact on the company's success! Thanks to specialists from various industries, our mirrors are constantly improved to ensure that the customer is satisfied with our product!
